
Flutter Tips 22-28

May 2, 2020 • ☕️ 4 min read

#Day22 Callable Class

In flutter we can call instance of a class like we call method.

What you have to do is defile a call() method of any return type or arguments. that call() method will be called when you call the instance.

void main() {
    var member = CallableClass();

class CallableClass{
    call(String name){
        print("Name is $name");

try in dartpad

#Day23 ListWheelScrollView

We can implement following Wheel List using ListWheelScrollView in flutter.

Just give it the children and it will start working for you.

You can customize the wheel with Constructor arguments of ListWheelScrollView play with them.

    children: <Widget>[
        ..Children Widgets

try on dartpad

try on codepen


#Day24 Rectangular Fab with Notched Bottom Appbar

Circular notched Button Bar with Fab is cool


Ever wanted rectangular/stadium Fab with Notch?

FloatingActionButton.extended with BottomAppBar’s shape as AutomaticNotchedShape like this:

shape: AutomaticNotchedShape(
          side: BorderSide(),

try this code on your editor

rectangular notch

#Day25 Google Fonts in flutter

With the package google_fonts you can use any google fonts without downloading them.

Just give the textStyle as any google fonts.

Want to set other textStyles properties? Just provide textStyle to the font (Which is a textStyle itself)

    'Notched Rectangular Fab',
    style: GoogleFonts.pacifico(
        textStyle: TextStyle(color:,

try on


#Day26 Hero Animation (Shared Element Transition)

Do you want your Widget/Image to fly from one screen to another?

Flutter makes it super easy to do Shared Element / Hero animation with Widget called Hero. Just give same tag for the Hero widget in both screen and your Widget will start flying from one screen to another.

Caution : Do not give a static string as tag if your UI has dynamic data like List, use a value of object like title,id etc as tag

//First Screen

FirstPageWidget extends StatelessWidget{
return Scaffold(
    //Other player List

//Second Page

SecondPageWidget extends StatelessWidget{
return Scaffold(
    //Player details

try on Codepen

For better experience : Decrease the browser width


#Day27 Dart function/constructor Arguments

There are three types of arguments (Function arguments and constructor arguments work the same way).

  1. Normal Parameters (✅✅Short & ❌Flexible) => required, requires all arguments to be called in order, most concise (doesn’t need argument names),least flexible.
  2. Named Parameters (✅Short & ✅✅Flexible) => Optional, can be called in any order BUT must provide the argument name.
  3. Positional Parameters (✅✅Short & ✅Flexible) => optional but we cannot skip any argument on left to provide argument right to it. Does not require argument name.

    void main() {
        normalFunction("Laxman", "Bhattarai", 26, 65);
        optionalFunction("Laxman", "Bhattarai");
        optionalFunction("Laxman", "Bhattarai", age: 26);
        optionalFunction("Laxman", "Bhattarai", weight: 65);
        optionalFunction("Laxman", "Bhattarai", weight: 65, age: 26);
        positionalFunction("Laxman", "Bhattarai");
        positionalFunction("Laxman", "Bhattarai", 26);
        positionalFunction("Laxman", "Bhattarai", 26, 65);
    //Requires all arguments passed in order, i.e. no meaning of default parameters
    normalFunction(String firstName, String lastName, int age, int weight) {
        print("$firstName $lastName age: $age weight: $weight");
    //Optional, can be called in any order BUT must provide the argument name.
    optionalFunction(String firstName, String lastName,
        {int age = 18, int weight = 60}) {
        print("$firstName $lastName age: $age weight: $weight");
    //Optional, doesn't need argument name  but cannot be skipped an argument on left to provide argument on right of it.
    positionalFunction(String first, String last,[int age = 18, int weight = 60]) {
        print("$first $last age: $age weight: $weight");

try on dartpad

#Day28 AnimatedContainer

ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgets like AnimatedAlign,AnimatedContainer, AnimatedPadding, AnimatedTheme are easy way to do animation.

AnimatedContainer() is one of the most common.

You can animate any properties of container with AnimatedContainer. Mastery of this widget alone can get you far ahead in you animation game.

Just provide the changed value like

height, width,padding,transform,decoration(backgroundcolor, border radius & alignment etc.

along with curve then AnimatedContainer will automatically do the animation for you.

The following animation is done with just AnimatedContainer()

play with the animation in codepen
