
Flutter Tips 99-100

July 14, 2020 • ☕️ 1 min read

#99 Show widgets as Toast with oktoast

We can show toast with oktoast package.

  1. Add dependency:
  oktoast: ^2.3.2
  1. Wrap (Material/Cupertino)App with OKToast
  child: MaterialApp( home: child)
  1. Show Text/Widget as Toast by calling showToast()/showToastWidget() from anywhere.
import 'package:oktoast/oktoast.dart';

showToast("Hello world");
showToast(Text("Hello world"));

visit oktoast


#100 Easy Setting screens with settings_ui

Almost every app needs setting page, but doing it right across multiple platform is not a easy.

settings_ui helps create Consistant Setting Page with standard components

SettingList -> Whole setting Page

SettingsSection -> Set of similar settings Eg. Account, Security

SettingTile -> Single Setting item Eg. Phone Number, Email

SettingsList( // Whole setting Page
  sections: [
    SettingsSection( // Set of similar settings items
      title: 'Common',
      tiles: [
        SettingsTile( // Single Setting item
          title: 'Language',
          subtitle: 'English',
          leading: Icon(Icons.language),
        SettingsTile( // Single Setting item
          title: 'Environment',
          subtitle: 'Production',
          leading: Icon(Icons.cloud_queue),

visit settings_ui

Android Setting iOS Setting
android ios